Sunday, November 23, 2008

3 Tips to Gurantee Making Money Online using Profitable Niche

by Asem Eltaher
To make money online at home using affiliate marketing, one tip can either skyrocket your success or guarantee a serious failure to your home business. This is simply the way how you choose the products you want to promote. A wise choice of your affiliate products can be your first step towards a new life style and full-time online income. But it can destroy your efforts if it is not done well. So, follow these simple 3 ideas to guarantee a proper choice of your products:
1. Digital products in Clickbank should be your first target
Clickbank is the proper place for any affiliate marketer to start his making money online empire because:
a) Digital products need no shipping or maintains. I.e. less overhead at your part.
b) Clickbank pays you twice per month on a regular basis.
c) Clickbank offers numerical metrics for you in order to know how successful these products are.
Here is the key feature to make money fast using clickbank products since you can evaluate the products in advance and you'd never waste your time and money trying to promote products that are not wanted by the customers.
Golden Tip: From the 3 years experience in Internet marketing, choose products that have a gravity factor higher than 30 and a reference percentage around 50%.
2. Use Google, Google and Finally Google
One of the facts about how to make money online at home is that you'd never find everything released in one business model, or any other work from home guide. The best to do is to check multiple affiliate marketing forums and check the people's reviews about your niche.
To summarize what you have to do:
Type "allintitle: Target Keyword" in Google to check out the number of websites that are optimized for the same keyword you want to target.
Google Keyword Tools is then your next step to find out how many times this keyword has been searched in the last period.
Targeting one keyword is not a clever idea to find a profitable niche. Instead, target one main keyword and some other related keywords by using Google Sets to choose the optimal related keywords.
Definitely, your first step towards a financial independence is to target the keywords that don't suffer from high competition and at the same time receive decent traffic.
3. Never ignore
Promoting affiliate products by writing and submitting articles is a guaranteed way to make money fast. However, first use to find your niche properly through typing your target keyword in the top search box and then check the most recent views articles.
This would increase your success in two fields:
a) You can check how much traffic this niche receives by checking the number of times an article has been viewed against the duration of its online availability.
b) Get further ideas about more keywords that you may target in your Internet marketing campaign.
Summary: Be patient and do not rush into promoting products that are not wanted by your customers. Use Google, to check the competition and the traffic of your products.
About the Author:
Wouldn't be great to secure your future and make money online at home using multiple successful niches? Adam Carn is only 23 years old and makes up to $40,000 per month with this easy legitimate work at home business.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Early Retirement Internet Business

Investing In Your Early Retirement Internet Business

My Definition Of A “21st Early Retirement Internet Business”

An Internet business which you started before (sometimes well before) you reach the need or desire to retire and the business generates income which increases your wealth while keeping you active and challenged in the things you enjoy.

Investing In Your Online Business

Contrary to what you have read or heard you can't start an online without investing in the business. Also contrary to what you may have heard it doesn't have to be big bucks up front. But let's put this into perspective.
Let's say you planned to open a store at the local mall selling cell phones. Before you open the doors you would have to pay the rent plus security, buy inventory, hire and pay help, and on and on and on. You open your doors and you find out a competitor came out with a new hot phone and people (traffic) is 60% of what you planned for. You just spent thousands of dollars and your business is struggling right out of the gate.

Now let's compare starting the same business on the internet. No rent or security payments (you are operating out of your home), no inventory to buy (the manufacturer or distributor ships direct, no help to pay because all of the labor intensive work (and employee headaches are handled by the shipper) and finally in our example, when the technology changes you start marketing the latest technology. Your business changed as quickly as the technology and your online business stays competitive.

Which business model would you choose? Now to be fair there are certainly costs associated with implementation of an online business but because there is a fallacy that "the internet and especially the information online is free" most people are reluctant or downright resistant to paying for information or marketing online. The biggest difference is that the costs in the online model are shifted toward online marketing and selling. You don't even need a web site if your internet business model is "affiliate marketing". I'll talk more about that in future articles.

Business Structure & Good Business Practices

Business structure and good business practices are paramount to any business (online or brick and mortar) if you want to have a successful business. Unfortunately again because of the wrong headed perceptions of the internet many people do not invest in incorporating, building a professional web site, installing online processes and procedures, and planning for excellent customer service. The biggest misconception about the internet is that "there aren't real people behind the screen name and if we stay behind our screen name we don't have to deal with them". Especially if they need customer service or want to contact us for any reason. Huge mistake!

The key is to invest in the right resources when your business needs them. Don't always try to get them free because it is the internet and your mindset is that it should be free. One of the things I've learned is "Don't worry about paying for it" if it is going to:
  • Protect your business and your family.
  • Give you knowledge quickly so you can make your business grow.
  • Allow you to quickly obtain additional resources to grow your business quickly and efficiently.

The flip side is “Not to spend money on resources before you need them”. Some don't are as follows:

  • Don't buy canned web sites before you know what your business is going to be.
  • Don't spend money on programming courses.
  • Don't sign up or buy products or services unless you know how it is going to help your business grow.
  • Don't buy products or services until you research the product first. After you get the product information, shop around on the internet.

Don't read into the product or service something that isn't there.

Example: When they say "It's easy" that doesn't mean its turnkey. Also what's easy for the presenter may be Greek to you and it could cost you a lot of time and money to use, if you can use it at all.

The second piece of your online business strategy must be to develop your personal skills. Personal Development is a must when running your own business.

Early Retirement Internet Business

Five Pillars Needed To Build A Solid Internet Business For Early Retirement

Starting a serious Internet business for early retirement requires a business mindset and before I discuss the five pillars for success I would like to briefly identify five reasons for internet business failures.

Five reasons for internet business failures

People think that the Internet will make them money (and lots of it fast)
People think it requires no effort or experience on their part to be successful
People do not invest the time and the money to build an internet business
People do not think like entrepreneurs when starting their internet business
People give up too soon. (Never give up!!!!)

Don’t forget the reasons above because you will be constantly challenged by them if you decide to start your own internet business so you can retire early. Dismiss them and build the following 5 pillars to build your successful early retirement business.

Five pillars to support a solid internet business for Early Retirement
  • Invest in your early retirement business
  • Invest in yourself
  • Learn Internet Marketing
  • Develop a business model for your internet business
  • Implement strategy to draw traffic (customers) to your business site

The reason I will focus on the five areas above is because I believe these are the areas that are critical to building your own early retirement business. Let's get started.

First, you have to understand one important thing, you have to invest in your online business. Remember this is a business not a hobby. You have competition out there and you must invest the time and money to be successful. If you don't make the investment your competition will and they will take your customers once they see the niche has profit potential.

Second, you have to invest in yourself. Remember, for most of us entrepreneurial skills have not been a part of our tool bag. It is essential that we develop these skills to run an online internet business.

Third, we have to understand internet marketing and selling to pick successful product(s) or service(s) to market or sell. Because bottom-line, your business is not going to make a dime if your customer doesn't buy or your competitor gets to him first.

Fourth, once your customer buys from you, you have to have an online business model which will continue to draw new customers to your business and sell to your existing customers over and over again.

Fifth, having an internet business is not like having a store front in your home town or mall. You and only you are responsible for getting customers to your online store front. Unlike the mall where people are passing by, people will not come to your online store without you drawing them to your site.

Sound complicated and confusing? It doesn't have to be. But make no mistake about it, you will get out of your business what you put it into it. The good news is the same internet that you are going to make money from is the same resource that will help you be successful in developing your early retirement internet business and that is where I can add value. I will show you the places to look to develop and grow your business.

There are lots of resources that are free or at modest cost while there are other resources which are worth the additional investment in your business to help you be successful. Know where to get these resources and invest the money and time in your internet business and you will looking back on this day as a day you started your new online venture on the internet. For more information go to Retirement and Your Internet Business.